Quincy August Moon Festival

June 28th, 2018 by

Expressway Toyota is proud to announce that we will be sponsoring the 31st Annual Quincy August Moon Festival this August! On August 19th, 2018, please stop by the Expressway Toyota Car Display in Quincy Center, free of admission. This will be our 4th time at the festival!

The August Moon Festival is one of the largest August Moon Festivals within the Northeast (Quincy Asian Resources). It has been awarded the winner of the ā€˜Best of Boston – Best Street Festival 2018,ā€™ by Boston Magazine. The August Moon Festival is a holiday that celebrates the harvest and the moon as symbols of prosperity, happiness & unity within the Asian culture (Discover Quincy).

Quincy Asian Resources, Inc. has partnered with the city of Quincy to host this exciting event. This street festival brings guests together from all over Massachusetts for a celebration; featuring traditional & contemporary performances, local restaurants & vendors and amusement for all ages (Discover Quincy). Ā With more than 10,000 people attending; attractions such as petting zoos and exotic live animal shows will also be featured (Boston Central). Also, for the first time ever, the August Moon Festival will feature a beer garden! (Quincy Asian Resources)

Expressway Toyota will have a car display set up for this special day in the community and we want you all to join us! The event will take place on Coddington St., Downtown Quincy from Noon-5:00PM.


Boston Central.Ā 2018 August Moon Festival. June 2018.

Discover Quincy.Ā 2018 Quincy August Moon Festival. June 2018.

Quincy Asian Resources. 2018Ā Quincy August Moon Festival. June 2018.

Quincy Asian Resources.Ā 31st Annual Quincy August Moon Festival. Winner of Best of Boston (“Best Street Festival 2018”) by Boston Magazine!! June 2018.